Letter To The Editor: PVMS Cheer Team

PVMS Cheer Coach
On behalf of the Pojoaque Valley Middle School Cheerleaders, this letter is a request for support from you and/or your business.
In the upcoming school year, our cheerleading squad plans on supporting and cheering at all of our Middle School teams atheltic events which includes football, volleyball, and both girls and boys basketball. We are incredibly excited to represent PVMS to the best of our ability.
However, the cost for us to attend and support our Middle School athletes at all of these activities has placed us in need of support from donors and business owners.
These costs include uniforms, megaphones, pom poms, and meals for away games for at least 18 cheerleaders. Any and all donations are greatly appreciated and will go directly to support the PVMS Cheer team.
Please make checks payable to Pojoaque Valley Middle School Cheer, attention Coach Cassandra Martinez. Please feel free to contact me at 505.929.3227 or via email at cdm@pvs.k12.nm.us if you schould have any questions.
Thank you so much for your time and consideration in supporting our PVMS Cheer team!

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