Letter To The Editor: In Support Of The Rec Bond

Los Alamos
I am writing in support of the Rec Bond election, which starts today, (May 2). I encourage all Los Alamos voters to send their ballots in.
My husband and I have chosen to make Los Alamos our home and to raise our family here. We support the bond as an investment in the future of Los Alamos. So much of the time the mournful refrain of Los Alamos is that we need to clean things up and make Los Alamos attractive to new residents and tourists.
Instead of going off the Hill to spend our recreational dollars, we’d like to spend them in Los Alamos. We’d also like others to come to Los Alamos and spend their money here. We realize that this requires work on our part as a community and that to make things better, we have to act and do. We have the opportunity with this bond election to improve and invest in our community.
I encourage a YES vote on the Rec Bond this month.

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