Tom Bowles Speaks at Sierra Club Open Meeting Nov. 6


U.S. Chair Tom Bowles – MUSEIC Technology Commercialization will present the talk: “Creating Clean High-Tech Jobs in the U.S. and Mexico”The Sierra Club will host a meeting at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 6 at UNM-LA in Bldg 2, Room 220.

Mexico City has long had environmental problems due to its location and its 21 million inhabitants. The city is working to resolve its issues and is making progress but still has quite a long way to go. Part of any full solution has to be creating higher wage jobs that can also address the problems the city is facing.

In May, President Barack Obama and President Enrique Pena signed an agreement to promote bi-national efforts in Entrepreneurship and Innovation (MUSEIC) between the U.S. and Mexico. Part of this agreement addresses Technology Commercialization that can benefit both countries.

We are looking at various ways that can increase the competitiveness for U.S. and Mexican companies while at the same time conserving natural resources. The goal is to support the growth of companies in both countries that are globally competitive. This will result both in creating high-wage jobs while addressing important issues that both countries are facing.

Bowles talk next Wednesday at UNM-LA will present efforts underway in Mexico City to address their environmental issues along with some possible approaches to simultaneously addressing joint global competitiveness and conservation of natural resources.

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