SFNF: Cuba Ranger District Treats 1,630 Acres Of Hazardous Fuels On Golondrino Prescribed Fire

SFNF News:

SANTA FE — Operations on the Golondrino prescribed fire focused on holding and securing the line yesterday. Now that ignitions are completed, the priority for fire crews on the Cuba Ranger district will be to continue to patrol, monitor and hold the burn until it’s declared out. Four engines are assigned to the prescribed fire.

Fire managers chose to not burn 597 acres in the northeast corner of the project because of forecasted weather conditions and the fire behavior that was observed during the implementation that was not favorable for that portion of the project.

Fire managers only ignited portions of the prescribed fire unit that had a high probability of success to meet objectives while keeping both our firefighters and the public safe. A total of 1,630 acres were treated and the Cuba Ranger District will continue to look for favorable weather and fuels conditions to complete the remaining 597 acres. 

For information on smoke, go to the Fire and Smoke Map (airnow.gov).

Prescribed fire updates will be posted as needed on the New Mexico Fire Information website and SFNF Facebook page and Website.


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