P&Z Oks Special Use Permit For Mari Mac Plaza Project

Columbus Capital representatives Greg Gonzales and Jeffrey Branch share their plans for the Mari Mac Plaza Wednesday evening to the Planning and Zoning Commission in Council Chambers. Post screenshot

Los Alamos Daily Post

Planning and Zoning Commission voted unanimously Wednesday night to approve a special use permit for Columbus Capital, moving it one step closer to enacting plans for a storage facility in the Mari Mac Plaza.

A few modifications were made to the criteria for the special use permit. The first was criteria five, which addresses landscaping conforming to adjoining areas and adhering to site development standards of the district regulations, was removed. The second was the term for the storage identified in criteria one was extended from five years to five years and 180 days.

Representatives of Columbus Capital, Greg Gonzales and Jeffrey Branch, along with Santa Fe Attorney Karl Sommer shared their plans for the Mari Mac Plaza.

Branch explained that Columbus Capital has already purchased and owns 991 Central Ave., where the Department of Motor Vehicle is located. Additionally, the company owns 820 Trinity Dr. and portions of 800 Trinity Dr. and 3500 Trinity Dr.

He added that Columbus Capital entered a contract with Kroger to purchase Mari Mac in May have until May 2023 to close on the property. Additionally, Branch said they have submitted a RFP to Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) to use portions of the old Smith’s, former Beals building and Auto Zone for storage. The most recent stage in the RFP process is that Columbus Capital submitted its final and best offer.

Branch emphasized while a storage facility isn’t the ideal usage for Mari Mac, it would get the property out of Kroger’s hands. Plus, leasing property to lab would provide finances to achieve the ultimate goal for the property: demolish Mari Mac and in its place construct housing, retail spaces and green space.

During the five years that the property is leased to LANL, the storage facilities would be in the rear of the old Smith’s, Beals and Auto Zone while retail space would be erected in the front, Branch said.

Gonzales further noted that they will return to the Planning and Zoning Commission with a development plan for its approval.

Regarding the question of what will happen to the existing businesses, Sommer said they will not be displaced.

“We want to relocate small businesses and have them be viable,” he said.

While many on the commission agreed that this was a better option than Mari Mac’s current state, they also shared worries that the five-year lease with LANL would be asked to be extended again and again.

P&Z Commission Chair Rachel Adler said she remains hopeful this will lead to a positive outcome considering Columbus Capital’s proposal is an improvement and its request for special use does conform to the County’s comprehensive plan.

“I think that alone is going to make downtown a more pleasant place to be,” Adler said.

Commissioner Stephanie Nakhleh agreed.

“This seems like a great first step … I really hope the vision they have comes to fruition,” she said.


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