On The Eve Of Earning My Eagle Scout

Los Alamos High School Student

I am writing this letter from Dungarvan, Ireland, where I’m studying for the year.

I am just now wrapping up the last of my requirements to earn my eagle scout, which I’ve been working on online while I’ve been abroad. It has been an interesting experience and seeing as writing this is one of those final requirements, this seems like a fitting thing to write about.

All the stupid online school and lockdowns have made it very easy and normal to work on things like this while not at home. There’s been surprisingly little friction when it comes to completing the merit badges and other similar requirements.

I can’t thank my leaders enough for all their help and putting up with my bs during the whole process. Even though I’m dealing with time difference, a busy schedule, and a million other problems, they have stuck with me and worked through all the issues with me and kept me on track.

I was really worried that I wasn’t going to be able to do it after all the time I spent working towards it, growing up with it really.

Boy Scouts has been one of the best experiences I’ve had and I’m proud to be finishing it out, I can’t recommend it enough.

Here’s the obligatory ad that I figure I should include: join the BSA, up Troop 22!


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