NMDWS Launches Podcast: ‘Good Job New Mexico’


ALBUQUERQUE Wednesday, the New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions (NMDWS) launched the first episode of its agency-wide podcast.

“Good Job New Mexico” provides a platform for conversations with New Mexico workers from all walks of life about various jobs they’ve worked, how they’ve gotten to where they are, and where they might be headed.

The Department hopes the format will provide inspiring stories for anyone’s career journey.

The podcast will feature guests including youth discovering career opportunities and possibilities, career changers, executives, entry level workers and much more from a variety of industries and occupations. 

“By sharing the career journeys of fellow New Mexicans from across the state we aim to empower and inspire listeners to envision their own career path,” NMDWS Cabinet Secretary Sarita Nair said. “If someone is unsure of where to start exploring a new career or how to pursue a career path that they hear about on the podcast, our Career Consultants at New Mexico Workforce Connection Centers are there to help from start to finish.”

In the first episode hosts Stacy Johnston and Karla Melendez speak with the first NMDWS pre- apprentice, Sade Smith, on her experience, what she took from it and how it has influenced her future career plans.

Episodes will drop every two weeks and are available across podcasting platforms as well as at https://www.dws.state.nm.us/GoodJobNM.


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