NM Division Of Vocational Rehab Back On Social Media

NMDVR Director Casey Stone-Romero


SANTA FE — Participants and prospective participants in the New Mexico Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (NMDVR) can now go to Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to get the latest news about the agency’s programs, job opportunities, and other vocational rehab information.

The agency has relaunched its social media presence.

“It’s important to be able to reach diverse audiences where they are,” NMDVR Director Casey Stone-Romero said. “People of all ages are getting their information from one or more social media channels. We want them to know what’s happening at NMDVR and how it relates to them.”

The agency has been on social media in the past, but the accounts have not been active in recent years. 

To follow NMDVR, visit NM Division of Vocational Rehabilitation on LinkedIn, New Mexico Division of Vocational Rehabilitation on Facebook, and @NMVocRehab on Instagram. 

Stone-Romero notes that NMDVR’s social media platforms enhance the existing channels of communication already in existence and reminds would-be users of agency services that they should still call or visit their nearest office for individualized, personal assistance. There are two dozen NMDVR offices throughout the state.


The New Mexico Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (NMDVR) helps eligible individuals with documented disabilities find suitable employment. To do so, NMDVR partners with companies and agencies seeking opportunities to enhance and diversify their workforce. Vocational rehabilitation is a voluntary program supporting people who want to work. With a long history of success and proven methodology for making the best fits, NMDVR is committed to helping participants thrive in their communities. 


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