Michelle Harkey-Wilde, LMT, LMHC Offers New Modality Following Advanced Certification In Belize

Michelle Harkey-Wilde has completed her Advanced Certification training in The Arvigo Techniques of Mayan Abdominal Therapy ®. She is pleased to offer this unique modality to the residents of Los Alamos. Courtesy photo
Health News:
Michelle Harkey-Wilde, LMT, LMHC, of Los Alamos traveled to Belize in February to complete her Advanced Certification training in The Arvigo Techniques of Mayan Abdominal Therapy ®. She is pleased to offer this unique modality to the residents of Los Alamos. Here is a link to the potential benefits: https://arvigotherapy.com/about/benefits/
“I’ve been offering Arvigo® work for a year and a half here in Los Alamos and am so pleased to have this additional training to serve my clients even more,” Harkey-Wilde said. Clients who have experienced enhanced digestive and reproductive wellness report it has given them some relief from symptoms and hope that things can heal with time and proper care.”
The Arvigo® Techniques involve non-invasive touch to the abdomen, lower back and hips to help improve blood, lymph and other flows to the area.
“One of the foundational principles is that stagnation causes disease. Bringing increased flow to the abdomen and middle section will help it flush toxins and increase oxygen and nutrition to the area so the body can use its own innate healing capacity effectively,” she said.
Harkey-Wilde explained that she particularly enjoys being able to assist women who experience menstrual discomfort and premenstrual emotional symptoms be able to talk about all of the difficulty and then be able to use their own hands to connect with their body in a loving and respectful way to facilitate healing.
Harkey-Wilde has been a massage therapist in Los Alamos for the past eight years. She also is a licensed mental health counselor.
“This gives me a wonderful combination of approaches to help people who have complex issues with body and mind,” Harkey-Wilde said. “The body bears the burden of past stresses, trauma and emotions. Sometimes it is insufficient to address only body or only mind. I offer integrated, holistic modalities designed to support the physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual realms of healing.”
Because she can do both, people ask which type of services they should schedule.
“If your symptoms are primarily related to mental health, please enter as a counseling client. If your symptoms are primarily physical I encourage you to be a massage client. If you want assistance deciding, you’re welcome to call me and discuss your unique situation,” she said.
To schedule an Arvigo® session or any other massage, visit www.mulleinleafinstitute.com and click on ‘Schedule’ to access her online calendar and booking system.
To schedule a counseling session call 505.695.2095. Details are at www.activeintegrationtherapy.com.

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