Luján: What President’s Day Means To Me

By U.S. Rep. Ben Ray Luján
New Mexico’s 3rd Congressional District

When I was young, I remember reading about great Presidents in American history. I read about the accomplishments of Presidents like Washington, Lincoln and Roosevelt. They carried heavy burdens understanding the effect of every decision they made. They also represented the best of American values, and inspired younger generations to carry those values into their daily lives and into their hopes and dreams.

Being President of the United States comes with tremendous responsibility. The American people trusts that any President will wield their power with caution and temperance.

Like many of you, I am concerned about the many challenges our country faces at this moment in our history. That doesn’t mean our best days are behind us. It only means that we must be resilient and keep fighting for a more perfect union.

This President’s Day, let’s stand together to reaffirm our shared American values and work towards a brighter future for nation.

Your involvement is powerful and I appreciate you.

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