Local Houses Of Worship Thank Community For Supporting Work Of Colores United With Asylum Seekers

Van ready for delivery to Colores United. Courtesy photo

Donated clothing at the Colores United shelter. Courtesy photo

On behalf of cooperating houses of worship

The United Church, The Pajarito Ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, the White Rock Presbyterian Church, the Los Alamos Jewish Center, and the Los Alamos Unitarian Church would like to thank the community for the contributions they so generously provided to support the work of Colores United with asylum seekers in Deming.

During November, community members contributed 139 boxes/large bags of clothing, food, toiletries, back packs, and children’s art supplies to this effort. This was almost double the amount that the community contributed last year.

The community also contributed $1,420 to Colores United.

Members of the campaign’s organizing committee made several trips to Deming during November and delivered all of the remaining Los Alamos contributions to Colores United last week.

Colores United has also expressed its profound thanks to the Los Alamos community for its continuing and extensive support.


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