Letter To The Editor: Vote Yes On The School Bond!

Los Alamos

In a recent Los Alamos County survey, maintenance of existing facilities was listed as a top priority for the majority of respondents. The current school bond for the Nov. 7 election is needed to complete work on the reconstruction of Chamisa and Pinon elementary schools as well as install new air conditioning systems at our high school and middle school.

Among other issues, roofs were leaking at Chamisa during our late monsoon (yes, there are pictures of children with umbrellas in classrooms) and parts to repair the older air conditioning systems at the high school and middle school are no longer available. These projects mirror those already completed for Barranca, Aspen and Mountain elementary schools. 

This is a non-partisan issue that affects the vast majority of our children, teachers and staff in Los Alamos. This $30M bond is necessary to acquire an additional $35M in state matching funds and does not increase the existing tax rate.


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