Letter To The Editor: Pond’s Pond Animal Status

Los Alamos

We lost Ed’s buddy, Homer, Christmas Eve.

Fortunately Ed was given a girlfriend, Gwen, and they seem happy with each other. They have recently been venturing onto the grass. They still will not let me pet them or eat cracked corn from my hand like I used to do with Homer. I miss Homer. Ed has slowed his time spent gazing into the teen center windows, which he started after losing Homer. Ed sees a lot of geese inside the teen center but they just will not speak with him.

As of last Saturday we had five ducks in the pond to help entertain the children and me, too. About two months ago our Friend Lassie found the lady duck had laid 12 eggs, but alas, the pond water was raised and the new ducks were not to be. We also had 4 Mail ducks, two large and two small. Unfortunately last Sunday we noticed one of the little ducks, floating, on his way to duck heaven. We did not see the other little duck until this Thursday. So now to entertain the children and me we have Ed, Gwen, two big male ducks, a lady duck and one small Mail duck.

Such is life around Pond’s Pond.


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