Letter To The Editor: Please Join Me In Voting Yes For Our Students, Educators And Community

The Family YMCA CEO
Successful schools are critical to the success of the community.
I’m a firm believer that a great education will help prepare tomorrow’s leaders. Part of this equation is ensuring that our students and educators have the best facilities and modern technology to create the best educational environment possible.
My family are relatively new members to the community. When I was hired as The Family YMCA CEO, a big part of the decision for my family to relocate to Los Alamos, was the superior school ratings. Passing the school bond will allow educators to continue to have access to the best resources and continue to offer a top-notch education to our community students.
To me, this an easy decision to vote yes. We can accomplish so much together for our future, without increasing the tax rate. This is a win-win!
Please join me in voting yes for our students, educators, and community.

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