Letter To The Editor: New Mexico Needs Sharon Stover!

Former Chief
Los Alamos Fire Department

I write to express my personal support and admiration for Sharon Stover in her campaign for State Representative in District 43.

As a former chief of the Los Alamos Fire Department, I served with Sharon for years and was always impressed with her foresight, leadership, work ethic and heartfelt care for our community and Northern New Mexico. Nothing highlights these attributes more than the time I teamed with her during the Las Conchas Fire in the summer of 2011, a wildfire that threatened Los Alamos and the Laboratory that ravaged our Jemez Mountain neighbors, that severely damaged our beloved Bandelier National Monument, and that blackened the sacred canyons of our Santa Clara Pueblo friends.

At the time this 150,000 acre wildfire was the largest in New Mexico recorded history. A fire of this magnitude, as we well know, demands unified and shared command, frank and timely communication, and above all, decisive leadership. Given our past community experiences, our wildlife capabilities, and our interagency network, we in Los Alamos desperately needed leadership. As the Los Alamos County Council chair at the time, Sharon Stover stepped up immediately to provide outstanding leadership during this crisis and its aftermath.

My respect for Sharon’s leadership abilities comes from our hand-in-hand management of the crisis here in Los Alamos and the roles we assumed in the multi-agency battle. Early in the fire, we conducted a helicopter damage assessment of the region. Given that assessment, Sharon went to work to ensure availability of vital resources. In turn and quickly, she reached out to the people of Los Alamos, the Laboratory, and our neighbors in Bandelier, the Jemez communities, and nearby Pueblos. She did so to keep our friends and neighbors informed, protected, and safe. During this time, all I had to do when feeling embattled was to glance at Sharon, see that smile, and know we were doing all we could.

I’m sure in the next few weeks you will hear a lot of undeserved innuendo and misrepresentations about Sharon – like the current on from Washington, D.C. special interest group that claims Sharon Stover is like Donald Trump. That’s so absurd it borders on comical. Such adversaries make these wild accusations because they are from someplace else and don’t pretend to know Sharon like we do.

In conclusion, Sharon Stover is one tough leader, who fights for our communities, who we can always count on, and who has the enviable record of doing what is right for the people. I’m proud to support her for State Representative, and I encourage you to support her as well. New Mexico needs Sharon Stover!


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