LALT Auditions For ‘The Dining Room’ Feb. 4-5

LALT News:
Los Alamos Little Theatre announces auditions for the final production of LALT’s 2017-18 season, The Dining Room by A. R. Gurney. 
Auditions are 2-5 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 4 and 6:30-9:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 5 at Los Alamos Little Theatre, 1670 Nector St. 
Auditioners are asked to prepare a short 1-2 minute monologue of their choice and will be asked to read scenes from the play. Copies of the script are available for check out at Mesa Public Library. The script calls for six adults (3 women and 3 men) who each portray approximately nine varied characters. The production dates are May 11-12, 18-20 and  25-26 and the show is directed by Cindy Hines.
The play is set in the dining room of a typical well-to-do household, the place where the family assembled daily for breakfast and dinner and for any and all special occasions. The action is comprised of a mosaic of interrelated scenes – some funny, some touching, some rueful – which, taken together, create an in-depth portrait of a vanishing species: The upper-middle-class WASP. The actors change roles, personalities and ages with virtuoso skill as they portray a wide variety of characters, from little boys to stern grandfathers, and from giggling teenage girls to Irish housemaids. 
Each vignette introduces a new set of people and events; a father lectures his son on grammar and politics, a boy returns from boarding school to discover his mother’s infidelity; a senile grandmother doesn’t recognize her own sons at Christmas dinner; a daughter, her marriage in shambles, pleads futilely to return home, etc. Dovetailing swiftly and smoothly, the varied scenes coalesce, ultimately, into a theatrical experience of exceptional range, compassionate humor and abundant humanity.
For more information, email Hines at
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