Inspirational People: Choosing To Be Kind

Los Alamos Daily Post

It seems the world is brimming with mean-spirited people vociferously spewing venom across social media – leaving hurt and anger in their wake. But there is a counter-balance to that senseless endeavor. I have seen it unfold right here in Los Alamos … incredibly inspiring people walking magnanimously among us.

Working as a newspaper reporter in this community for 15 years, I have met many of these thoughtful people and witnessed many kind and noble acts.

I recently spotted an entire family displaying very compassionate behavior. This occurred one afternoon as I looked up from my desk and out the window of the Los Alamos Daily Post on Central Avenue. I noticed a car pulling into a handicap space near our front door. A middle-aged man drove and his wife sat next to him. Exiting both sides of the back seat was a couple in their 30s, one of whom I pegged to be the middle-aged couple’s offspring.

Since both couples appeared quite fit, I remember wondering who among them needed the handicap space. Just then the younger man leaned into the back seat to guide a very frail, very elderly woman out of the car. It was truly heartwarming to observe the care he took assisting this woman, who I assumed to be his grandmother, placing his arms around her with such gentleness and surely a lifetime of love.

Noticing the expression reflected on the younger woman’s face as she watched the elderly woman walking ever so slowly, steadied by the younger man, caused me to rethink that family lineage … perhaps she was the granddaughter. From my vantage point the admiration in her eyes was visible as she watched the younger man’s superb treatment of the elderly woman.

As I glanced toward the middle-aged couple their graceful demeanor made it difficult to discern which of them was the elderly woman’s son or daughter. They each appeared to hold her in high esteem.

At the end of the 5-minutes or so spent observing this family, it was evident that I was watching very compassionate, inspiring people, walking peacefully down the sidewalk at their elder’s pace … appearing to have all the time in the world.

I thought how this elderly woman must have made the decision at some point to live a positive lifestyle. She clearly set a wonderful example in her role as mother, mother-in-law, grandmother and grandmother-in-law and is obviously greatly treasured for it. She is now the recipient of an entire family choosing to live life with kindness and compassion.

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