ESD Discusses Changes To Brush & Bulk Program

The wood chipper at the Eco Station makes a giant pile of mulch that is free to the community. Photo by Kirsten Laskey/ 

The brush pile is huge right now at the Eco Station. Photo by Kirsten Laskey/



Los Alamos Daily Post


The Environmental Services Division’s quarterly brush collection is underway. The program started in August and runs through the beginning of October.


When it comes to what can be collected most yard waste is accepted except for weeds, Office Specialist Tiffany Pegoda said.


She added certain material such as pine needles and leaves need to placed in paper sacks. When the yard waste is collected, it is delivered to the Eco Station where it is put through a wood chipper and turned into mulch. The mulch is available to the community for free. However, if someone needs the County to load the mulch into their vehicle, there is a charge of $3 a cubic yard. 


Pegoda said the complimentary mulch pile is huge right now so she encourages residents to help themselves.


Many residents utilize the brush pickup program, Pegoda said, noting that since Aug. 12, several tons have been collected and year to date, 933 tons have been brought into the Eco Station.


The brush program will see a change starting next summer. Rather than having to pack yard waste into paper sacks, it can be dumped in a new brush roll cart. Pegoda said a link will be featured on the Environmental Services website to allow people to sign up for a brush roll cart. The carts will remain free of charge. 


The other difference is that the bulk program is separated from brush collection. Pegoda explained that the bulk collection occurs every other Wednesday and alternates between White Rock and Los Alamos. The collection works on an as needed basis; residents are required to register for pick up either by calling the Environmental Services Division at 505.662.8163 or emailing


Additionally, there is a flat $25 fee for bulk collection services.


Changes to the collection program started almost two years ago, Environmental Services Division Manager Angelica Gurule said. The County Council approved the changes in February and they went into effect in September.


Council asked the Environmental Sustainability Board to review the program, she said, because there had been complaints about bulk collection items being unsightly or material left out on the curb for too long. People also were concerned that it was decreasing the value of homes and bringing up safety issues and attracting rodents.


Gurule pointed out that only a small percentage of the community was taking part in the brush and bulk collection. Plus, she said there is a desire to encourage people to use their yearly 12 free loads to drop material off at the Eco Station. Pagoda said right now only 1.5 households have utilized their free loads.


The majority of bulk items go to the landfill but some items such as washers and dryers can be recycled, Pagoda said.


Gurule said public support for the new brush program has been strong.


“They’re excited; they want it and they can’t wait to have it,” she said.

The collected brush in Los Alamos gets transformed into mulch at the Eco Station and offered free to the public. Photo by Kirsten Laskey/ 

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