DVR: Vocational Rehab Orientations In Española


The New Mexico Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (NMDVR) is holding orientations at its Española office the first and third Wednesdays of each month starting 9 a.m., April 6, 2022. Drop-ins are welcome.

The orientations provide an overview of the vocational rehabilitation system, agency policies, and procedures—including those guiding eligibility determination. 

These sessions are an opportunity to learn about NMDVR and the services the agency provides, so individuals who are considering seeking vocational rehab assistance can make an informed decision about applying to become an NMDVR participant.

NMDVR helps eligible individuals with documented disabilities find suitable employment. To do so, it partners with companies and agencies seeking opportunities to enhance and diversify their workforce. Vocational rehabilitation is a voluntary program supporting people who want to work. With a long history of success and proven methodology for making the best fits, NMDVR is committed to helping participants thrive in their communities. 

To complete a referral for services, please visit: For questions, call the Española office at 505.753.2908 or visit

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