Daily Postcard: Hummingbird Moth Sips Marigold Nectar

Daily Postcard: A hummingbird moth with an especially long proboscis sips nectar from marigold blooms Thursday in the garden of a residence on Barranca Mesa. Perhaps one of the most delightful insect visitors to local gardens, the hummingbird moth deserves this name for very good reason. It flies and moves just like a hummingbird. Like them, they can remain suspended in the air in front of a flower while they insert their proboscis to sip nectar. They even emit an audible hum like hummingbirds. Source: fs.fed.us. Photo by Selvi Viswanathan

A hummingbird moth sips nectar Thursday at a residence on Barranca Mesa. Photo by Selvi Viswanathan

A hummingbird moth sips nectar Thursday at a residence on Barranca Mesa. Photo by Selvi Viswanathan


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