County Repair Plan Targets Quemazon Water Leaks


County staff are putting a repair plan into motion after a string of recent emergency water leaks in the Quemazon subdivision left a stretch of road in disrepair there.

Los Alamos County Department of Public Utilities (DPU) and Los Alamos County Traffic and Streets Division crews are collaborating on the plan for Quemazon between Corona and Tranquilo. This stretch of Quemazon has been closed to through traffic since the first water leak occurred on April 24. The first road repair effort was set back when a second water valve on the same water line sprung a leak, and then a third one occurred after that.

Starting Monday, May 6, county crews will perform road grade and soil compaction in preparation for asphalt. This is expected to last through Friday. The following week, beginning May 13, pavement, curbs and gutters will be replaced. Any sidewalk damages will also be addressed during that week.

Traffic controls remain in place for the work zone and drivers are asked to exercise caution. This area will continue to be closed to through traffic until the road replacement is complete. Residents may detour at Corona and Tranquilo.

The water breaks are due to corrosion on the underground piping system. DPU staff has developed a plan to proactively replace valve hardware in the subdivision as the pressure impact of repairs increases the likelihood of breaks to neighboring valves. While the valves themselves are still in good condition, the bolts and other hardware holding them together are corroding. Stainless steel replacements for these items are on order and DPU water crews are putting other preventive measures in place to try to prevent additional leaks.

Community members with questions or concerns about the project may contact the Los Alamos County Customer Care Center at or call 505.662.8333 during business hours.

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