Aaron Walker Congratulates Opponents Williams, Derkacs And Reagor On Winning Los Alamos County Council Race

Independent Candidate
Los Alamos County Council

I want to congratulate Sean Williams, Denise Derkacs and David Reagor on their election to county council. I hope they serve the people well and listen to their needs. This was a very unique race, and their effort has paid off.

I expected an uphill battle for this election being an independent, and it most certainly was. While disappointed  I did not get elected, I am heartened by the fact that I ran a solid campaign, and garnered a significant number of votes.

Thank you to everyone who voted for me, put up a yard sign, donated to my campaign, gave me words of encouragement and listened to what I had to say.

The real winners of this election will hopefully be Los Alamos County residents thanks to the variety of choices we all had.

I won’t be disappearing at all. I am still chair of the Community Development Advisory Board and will continue to serve in our community in any way I can. I will still listen in on county council meetings, and chime in when I can. I will continue to be a fierce advocate for the people of the county.

I’ll bet you will see me running for council again in two years. Will I still be an independent? That’s still up in the air.

Thank you.


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