United Church To Host Final Free Concert Of Series Sunday

Santa Fe Symphony Principal Harpist Anne Eisfeller. Courtesy/UCLA

The United Church of Los Alamos at 2525 Canyon Road. Courtesy/UCLA

UCLA News:

The United Church of Los Alamos (UCLA), will host the final of their free concert series this Sunday. The Santa Fe Symphony Musician’s chamber will be held at 4 p.m., in the sanctuary at 2525 Canyon Road.

The performance will feature Santa Fe Symphony principal harpist Anne Eisfeller. The program will include music from the 17th through 21st centuries, including music inspired by nature as well as J.S. Bach, Antonio Cabezon, Marcel Tournier and contemporary composers Hannah Lash and Deborah Henson-Conant.

Like the previous two concerts, this performance is a free of charge, all-ages-welcome event, so bring  friends and family for a delightful time.


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