All Three Los Alamos Odyssey Of The Mind Teams Garner First Place Finishes At Colorado State Competition

Members of the Los Alamos Odyssey of the Mind teams celebrate their wins at the Colorado state Odyssey of the Mind competition. Courtesy/LAPS

LAPS News:

Three Los Alamos Odyssey of the Mind (OMer) teams recently competed in the Colorado state tournament, with all three earning first place honors in their divisions.

The Division 1 and 2 teams are heading off to the Odyssey of the Mind World competition at the end of May to compete against teams from all around the world.

In addition, the Division 2 team won an OMer award for the trials and tribulations they went through building their set.

All the teams are made up of current Aspen Elementary School Tigers or former Aspen Tigers. The Division 1 team includes Amalia Valdez, 5th grade; Jocelyne Dolejsi, 5th grade; Audrey Thornton, 5th grade; Noah Walker, 5th grade; Cate Dallman, 5th grade; Idris Ortega, 4th grade and Alexander Marshall, 4th grade.

Members of the Division 2 team include Kai Bain-Zink, 6th grade: Alma Trujillo, 6th grade; Kaya Wilson, 6th grade; Maverick Hoffer, 6th grade; Keiland Kolar, 5th grade and Mei Downing Olsen, 5th grade.

Former Aspen Tigers and current Los Alamos High School freshmen Alea Kretz, Noah Bane and Drew Bacrania and Los Alamos Middle School 7th graders Evan Kolman and Zack Ramirez made up the Division 3 team.

Coaches Victoria Daley, Matt Allen and Allison Washburn reported that the students went up against the best teams in Colorado, and did some of the best performances we have ever seen them do.

“This is a huge accomplishment for these students,” they said. “They have been working on these performances since September, and they went through an incredible amount of adversity this year. We are so, so proud of them.”

Team trophies are on display at the school. 

Click below to view the winning performances:

Division 1

Division 2

Division 3

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