UWNNM Investor Wins Classic Air Medical Flight

United Way investor Phil Klingner with pilots Yoshi Sawamura and Dev Kuhse Feb. 13 at Los Alamos Airport. This year, Classic Air Medical generously donated two 15-minute flights to United Way of Northern New Mexico, which chose to hold a drawing from all of its investors who contributed more than $100 in 2016 to the UWNNM Community Action Fund. Klingner was one of the names drawn. He is a LANL retiree who has given to the local United Way for many years. I give to UWNNM because they help so many people and, its easy,Klingner said. Giving locally allows me to see the changes that my gifts help to make possible… UWNNM thanks Classic Air Medical as well as its investors for their contributions and extends special thanks to Troy Hughes, this year’s campaign chair, for organizing this event. Classic Air Medical pilot Sawamura has been flying for more than 25 years in Japan, Hawaii and now New Mexico. Kuhse is from Arizona and is in her first year of flying with Classic Air Medical. Photo by Kristy Ortega

Classic Air Medical lifts off on a 15-minute flight for Phil Klingner, a UWNNM investor who won a recent drawing for the flight. Photo by Kristy Ortega

Classic Air Medical heads out on a 15-minute flight for Phil Klingner, a UWNNM investor who won a recent drawing for the flight. Photo by Kristy Ortega


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