NNMC Hosts Presidential Search Community Forums

NNMC News:
The Regents of Northern New Mexico College at their meeting Thursday, Feb. 25 approved an expansion of the presidential search plan to provide more community access to the process.
The search for a new president for Northern began in late December with the approval of the presidential search plan. Even though the plan provided for a broadly diverse Community Advisory Group to the Regents and advisory groups from students, faculty, and staff, the Regents wanted to provide two additional opportunities for the broader community to be involved in the search process when they adopted a modification to the search plan. Two community forums were created.
The first Presidential Search Community Forum takes place at 7 p.m. Wednesday, March 23, at the Center for the Arts on the Northern campus.
This community forum will provide all who attend an update on the search process and give participants a chance to ask questions about the process of searching for a new president for the college. The forum will also provide the Regents with additional ideas around which they will build their interview questions for the finalists who will be selected the following day. It is open to the public and all interested members of the community are invited to attend.
The second Presidential Search Community Forum takes place at 7 p.m., Monday, April 18, at the Center for the Arts on the Northern campus.
At this event the participants will have an opportunity to meet and hear from the five finalists for the president’s position. The evening is planned so that the five presidential candidates can introduce themselves to the community, share their vision for Northern, and respond to questions from the audience. A reception for the five finalists, which will also be open to the public, will take place immediately following the presentations. This event is also open to the public and anyone interested in hearing from the candidates, one of whom will become the new leader of the college, is welcome to attend.

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