Los Alamos Faith And Science Forum Launches 2017 Summer Series


Again this summer the Los Alamos Faith and Science Forum will present a series of talks by local speakers during May, June and July. The theme of the talks is “Hope: Science, Religion and the Future”. There will be seven Wednesday evening meetings including May 31; June 7, 14, 28 and July 12, 19, 26.

The meetings will follow the usual format: light supper at 6 p.m., talk at 6:30 p.m., followed by questions for the speaker and then table discussions. In a change from the past two years, these talks will be in the Fellowship Hall of the Unitarian Church at 1738 N Sage Loop in Los Alamos.

Wednesday, May 31, Nels Hoffman will give the first talk entitled “Hope, Hopelessness, and the Future”. Titles and abstracts for the remaining talks will be announced soon.

Also, as part of the summer program, the Los Alamos Faith and Science Forum has invited distinguished theologian John Haught of Georgetown University to visit Los Alamos and present two lectures, which he will do Thursday June 22 and Friday June 23. His lectures are titled “Science, Religion, and Cosmic Purpose” and “Evolution and Faith: What Is at Stake”.

More information about Prof. Haught and his contributions to theology will be forthcoming.

The Los Alamos Faith and Science Forum (LAF&SF) is an incorporated 501(c) 3 nonprofit organization seeking to understand faith and science and how they fit together. The website is www.lafsf.org.


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