Letter To The Editor: ‘I’m In, Let’s Close The Door’ Is No Way To Maintain America’s Fundamental Character Of Openness And Generosity

Los Alamos

In her recent column, Lisa Shin objects to ‘an undercurrent of obstructionism’ that she detects in the County’s immigration proclamation. This concern is puzzling since America is the paramount representation of a country that adores obstructionism — it comes with freedom of speech and association. Of course, you may not like racist obstructionism or women’s suffrage obstructionism (to consider extremes that have been objected to on both sides) but you are free to so obstruct. 

I have a multitude of objections to the opinions expressed, but let’s focus on ‘Immigration policy should prioritize those who have the most to contribute to our society.’ As well as the surprise of elite opinion coming back into fashion, this is one of the most objectionable, un-American statements one can imagine; it presumes that the government has the capacity to correctly make such a determination. The liberal elites have a great deal of faith in the abilities of governments, but surely no one imagines an ability to determine the character and quality of an individual. 

Of course, if wealth is the issue, then should we welcome drug lords and arms dealers and Saudi princes? No, you say, education and organizational ability is what you have in mind? But neither of these guarantees good character, gratefulness for acceptance, and commitment to American ideals. 

Actually, it should be the elites who object to the educated and capable being preferred entry. If the wave of unskilled has driven down wages and job opportunities at the low end of commerce, why wouldn’t you expect this policy to drive down the wages and job opportunities for technical and other higher level workers — including doctors? 

Dr. Shin may not be afraid of the black helicopters coming to return her to her country of ethnic and genetic origin, but America is more closely directed down that path than at any time since Huey Long and George Wallace. ‘I’m in, let’s close the door’ is no way to maintain America’s fundamental character of openness and generosity. 

Finally, as a Canadian-American, while I must agree with the claim that ‘America has been the most generous, inclusive and welcoming country in the world’, I must also note that is no longer the case. I don’t know whether it is Canada or Germany that leads right now, but America does not.


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