Letter To The Editor: Election Isn’t Just About Candidates

Santa Fe

Democrats today are doing the same thing Hillary did four years ago. IGNORING THE PARTIES! Republican hypocrisy and stone-walling vs Democrat goals and accomplishments:

The hypocrisy that four years ago, when Justice Scalia died in FEBRUARY 2016 almost nine months before the election, Republicans (McConnell) said ‘the people had to have a voice’ and Scalia wasn’t replaced for almost a full year. But now they want to replace a Supreme in the 47 days between Justice Ginsberg’s death and the presidential election.

The hypocrisy of criticizing Obamacare since its inception but not coming up with viable alternatives.

The hypocrisy of praying for the victims of gun violence but preventing any significant changes to prevent it.

The hypocrisy of giving the people a tax break – yes, to people in the top income range so now maybe they can just pay $750/year in taxes instead of the thousands most of the rest of us pay.

There are so many more examples. This isn’t just about individual candidates, it’s the goals and behaviors of the Parties! Why isn’t the fundamentalist partisan behavior of the Republican Party, detrimental to ALL of us, the Country and democracy, being highlighted?

Editor’s note: Readers are encouraged to fact check statements made in letters and opinion pieces.


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