Letter To The Editor: Education Is Important

Los Alamos
I have talked to many people and read many letters with questions about the bond election, in January.
First I want to clear up notions about the ballot. Some are saying that the LAPS and UNMLA are trying to hide something, by being on the same ballot. There is nothing to hide, both questions are on the ballot separately. There will be no tax rate increase with the LAPS Bond.
Some people have heard that some of the bond money will be used to build a new High Tech high school. This is not the case. There is some discussion, with a separate group, to design a school, down the road. The schools a dedicated to keeping their promises for using the bond money. Promises made and promises kept, as in the past. 
Good schools is a drawing card, for people to come to Los Alamos. Families will move here and stay here, if they see schools are valued. Look at all of the beautiful projects we have completed wit past bonds. This does increase property value, in the long run. And most importantly, our kids are our most valuable asset and they deserve the very best education possible. I care and I believe in education. Please join me, and vote Yes, for our future!
Also, I plan to vote for UNMLA bond too. Education reaches all ages and has a positive benefit for everyone!

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