Letter To The Editor: ‘Deer-Friendly’ Suggestions To Los Alamos County

Los Alamos

Having read Sean Williams’ detailed description of the 34th Street deer incident, (thank you County Councilor), I strongly feel that it is time for our local government to take prompt action to tackle the increasingly occurring deer incidents that have started to pose adverse impacts on our daily life. 

It is not enough to have our residents devote their cherish and courage to conduct DIY rescue, not enough to have a couple of concerned citizens to voice openly, not enough to have responsible media constantly calling for public awareness.

Here is my suggestion for our Los Alamos County government to consider:

First, open up a county hotline of wildlife rescue, so that our residents could call a “right number” in the middle of night, and no need to spend a sleepless night to watch for a deer that jumped into their window wells and in dire need of rescue.

Second, establish a local wildlife rescue team with professionally trained members, so that endangered wildlife could rely on their effective and timely rescue, hence, to avoid potential risks (in particular, during the ongoing pandemic) on the health and well-being of our residents who might not have the “right training” to volunteer the rescue duty. 

Third, conduct a county-wide survey to determine the “hotspots” around our town where deer mostly visited, and set up some alarming flashlight signs on those streets, so drivers could get friendly reminders on their way heading back home after a stressed long working day. 

Finally, I want to send my sincere apology to those neighbors if my previous Letter to the Editor made you feel “blamed”.


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