Letter to the Editor: County Planning

Los Alamos

Hooray for Los Alamos County project planning office. In a town full of geniuses, it’s amazing that none of them work for the county. We will now have the two major thoroughfares in town under construction at the same time. 

Trinity Drive is “supposed” to be completed by July 16, but when have we ever had a road project completed on time. The Central Avenue project is due to be completed in 60 days … RIGHT! 

In the meantime, when visitors ask directions from one end of town to the other, the response will have to be, “You can’t get there from here.”

Personally, I can’t see that Central is in need of renovations, but our town always finds a way to spend money unnecessarily. Who is paying these people to make dumb decisions?

Wouldn’t our money be better spent helping Russ Gordon (and our visitors) by constructing a nice bathroom fixture at Ashley Pond, and completing the Teen Center? I haven’t seen anything being done on the teen center, but we are spending money on a new PEEC. I know that the visitor numbers at that facility can number as high as three per day (woo hoo!) when there are no events planned on the weekend. What a waste of money. 

We just can’t seem to get our priorities right, but nobody does anything about it.

In the meantime, have fun trying to get around town.



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