Free Weekly Raspberry Pi Club At Los Alamos Makers

Einstein meets Raspberry Pi is one of the projects completed at Los Alamos Makers. The bust of Albert Einstein was 3D printed and brought to life with Raspberry Pi-powered animated eyes. Courtesy/Prisca Tiassé Yoder

Los Alamos Makers News:

“It’s small. It’s cheap” ($10). “You can turn it into an environmental monitor that can keep track of the temperature in your house, and even turn on your fan or air conditioner before you get home from work.”

This is how Akkana Peck describes the Raspberry Pi in her latest book, “Jumpstarting the Raspberry Pi zero – Controlling the world around you with a $10 computer”.

The Raspberry Pi is not a dessert, but a tiny portable computer, originally designed to engage students in computer science. However, its practicality and affordability made it very popular with hobbyists and startups. Well over 12 million Pis were sold in five years, which probably helped fuel the rise of embedded computing.

Raspberry Pis enable everyday people, not just techies, to start fun projects, like making your own smart mirror that displays time, weather and news.

Imagine having a tiny fully programmable robot that fits in your hand. You could place it on a drone or even wear it … the possibilities are almost endless.

What if you have no programming experience? No problem.

With the help of Akkana, Los Alamos Makers has been successfully mentoring programmers of all experience levels during their CoderDojo for over a year, and now, by popular demand, they are ready to take it to the next level and help community members of all ages have fun with the Pi. All levels are welcome.

You are invited to join the Raspberry Pi club at Los Alamos Makers, 7- 8 p.m. each Thursday starting this week. Attendance is free. No membership is required. 

If you don’t have a Raspberry Pi of your own, a few Raspberry Pi workstations will be available.

Los Alamos Makers is at 3540 Orange St., Suite LV1, behind Los Alamos High School. For more information, visit or email

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